

The long tough war between the human race and monsters lead to serious consequences. Monsters were locked in the underworld without any chances to get on the surface. But what will happen if somebody tries to get inside this dark place?

Here you will play a little kid who accidentally falls into a huge hole in the caves and wakes up in a world full of these creatures. Now he has only one aim – to get to the place where he can return to his family into the humans’ world. And the whole dungeon full of exciting adventures is at his disposal.

So he starts his journey by meeting the first personage. In Undertale you will meet various characters. And you have two options – you can either become friends, or destroy them in the battle.

The same goes for every monster you meet in the halls and rooms. And according to how many monsters became your friends, you receive one of all the endings that developers created for Undertale. But what battles are we talking about?

The moment you meet a monster, you start a dialogue with him. He tells you about his problems, and you can pick one of the different variants. You are able to flirt with him, talk to him, battle or do other actions. If you decide to battle, you will see the battlefield. It is a small square with the red heart in the center.

Your aim is to avoid the enemies that are approaching your heart. It can be white dots, lines and other objects in different amounts. Remember that you have a limited amount of health points. And in the beginning your heart isn’t as strong as you want, so you need to upgrade it during the whole game. Complete exciting jigsaws.

The spacious dungeons are full of strange places and various items. Collect useful items and complete fascinating quests you discover on your way. It helps you move by a plot, meet new personages and discover interesting secrets while you play.

Let’s test it right now on this site. What ending will you receive and what path are you choosing?